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Echoes of Eternity

Eternity! What a word! Who can measure the height, the depth, the length, and the breadth of such a thought? It is fathomless, it is infinite, it is unsearchable as God Himself, and past finding out.

Yet eternity surely lies before us all. Let us pause here, dear reader, and reverently consider this. We may be very near the close of time; both the reader and the writer may be standing as it were on the brink of eternity, with all its vastness stretching out before us. How serious, how soul-subduing is the thought! Thousands daily are passing away—young and old, rich and poor—passing on to eternity!

In view of this most solemn fact, let me ask you a pointed yet friendly question. It concerns your deepest personal interests. Weigh well its important and solemn issue. Oh! my dear reader, where will you spend eternity?

Consider that Divine Person, Jesus, who has come out from eternity to this earth. His dear, toiling feet have been on the shores of time. He has felt and measured the deep need and guilt of sinners. He has declared the love and compassion of God to fallen man, and, before He left the world, surrendered Himself as a willing victim for man's sin upon the cross of Calvary. There He died for sinners—for you and me.

We stood beside the remains of one who had known the Lord Jesus for years, who had opportunity to test the veritable reality of these truths and the blessedness of trusting such a Saviour. We read to those gathered almost the last words which fell from her lips—words which uttered so near to the final step of time into eternity, they seemed the very echoes of eternity. She said: "Tell all those to whom I have spoken during my life, that I have proved Jesus to be all that ever I told them He was." Millions have proved the same, and you too, dear reader, are welcome to prove it for yourself.

Another, about to pass into eternity, turned to a loved friend close by, and said, "Had I ten thousand hearts, I would give them all to Jesus." She appreciated the grace that had bought her salvation, that had put her sins away; and now, about to go into her Saviour's presence, she uttered beforehand what she would say in eternity.

A popular preacher, as he lay upon his death bed, was deep in thought. At last he broke the silence, as he turned to a friend by his side: "I have been looking out into eternity; and oh! if I could only return, what a different preaching I would preach!" He saw the past in light of eternity.

May eternity govern our thoughts, our motives, our words, our daily life, in every thing. If yet unsaved, may its solemnity, dear reader, lead you to the Saviour's feet in repentance; confess to Him your sins, your guilt, your need, and receive Him as your own Saviour and Lord. Then will these echoes express the sentiments of your own heart.

—A.E. Booth